Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Just Call Me The Twincubator

Today marks 27 weeks gestation!
 We've had a few preterm labor scares and every single week is a huge victory! At 25 weeks and 3 days we got a positive reading on an FFN test when we were at the hospital for contractions. 
The FFN is this insane test that can test for this protein that is found to be present when labor is a "possibility" within 2 weeks. 
Basically that means if the test is negative there is a 95%-99% chance you won't go into labor within 2 weeks. There is some studies that say that number is more like 60%-90% with twins, but there hasn't been enough studies with multiple gestation to say for sure... 
Anyway... A positive indicates that there is a possibility of labor onset within 2 weeks. A 16%-30% chance of going into labor. Any googling will show tons of people saying that a positive doesn't mean anything definitive.
The billion and fifty studies I've read would indicate in a twin gestation the numbers are more like 30%-54% chance of preterm labor within 2 weeks. My chances are (maybe) a little lower because my cervix is still long (3.95 centimeters), thick, closed, and not funneling. 
Still, a positive FFN shouldn't be taken lightly with twins, and I was put on strict bedrest. My only real symptom of preterm labor was pretty consistent contractions (30 or so in 12 hours) every day. So, to combat that my new OB, who I love dearly, prescribed procardia. It hasn't completely knocked out the contractions but I am more confident that 12 or so a day is a safer number. 
Anyway... I've spent the last couple weeks panicking. I am so scared of micro preemie babies and the first day of the 27th week technically welcomes us into the "very premature" status. Although I have no intention of allowing them to come for at least 7 more weeks, 27 weeks feels good. 28 weeks will feel amazing. I am not sure exactly why but 28 weeks is a big week for twin gestations. Our doctor told us it was when we could breathe a mini-sign of relief. Everything 30 weeks and after is a huge sigh of relief.
The babies are soo strong. Especially our little lunatic girl baby, affectionately known as Maria. She is so wiggly. It's incredible. Baby boy, or Paco, is also strong, but considerably more mellow than his sisterly counter-part. 
We love them so much. I obsess all day about them. Even in a rare moment I'm not scared and worrying, I'm thinking about who they will be and how excited I am to cuddle them. 
Bedrest has been interesting. I've updated all of our baby registries if you want to buy us a present, haha. Just search Molly and Zackery Williams, items can be sent directly to our house :) Amazon, target, babies r us. I've watched just about everything on netflix and hulu. I've purchased books on my kindle app. I've covered my stretch marks in coconut oil because they bleed now. I eat. Then when I'm done with that I eat some more. Followed by eating. Yet, no weight gain. I google as much as I eat. That's a lie, I google twice as much as I eat. Which is why I know that I should have gained more weight by now. Hopefully all the calories are going STRAIGHT to my sweet little womb mates. 
They were 50th and 58th percentile for size at 24 weeks, and we have another scan a week from Friday. I'm interested/excited/anxious to see where they rank now. I would like them to be big fatties :) 
So that's that! I'm gonna try to get more public writing done. I like it, it makes me feel social and interactive, haha. In the mean time if anyone has any tips or tricks for weight gain- I'd love to hear it. Also, if you have any experience with a positive FFN, I'd love to hear that as well. 

Our twinlets kissing during an ultrasound last week :) 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Dear Babies (Part 1)

Hi kiddos! 
It is 2:59 am on Monday morning. I can't stop thinking about you, and I thought I would write you a quick note.
 Tomorrow you will reach viability, and while that is very exciting, we won't meet you for at least 10 more weeks.
 I already know you, and you guys are so cool. Baby "Maria", you are my little kick boxer. Super active and feisty. Baby "Paco", you are more relaxed but on occasion your sister will get turned around and harass you and you get crazy. 
I love you both so much. So please keep cooking, stay healthy, we will wait to meet you. I promise to take things easy until you get here and feed you delicious things. Your Dad is great and is taking care of all of us so I can take care of you. 
I know that while I carry you with me you are the safest you'll ever be. Tucked safely inside me and growing your little bodies, I know where you are. I know you're happy. I know you're fed. I know you're warm. I know you're awesome. I feel so responsible to make sure you always know how awesome you are and how much your dad and I love you. 
You were so wanted. You are so loved. You will never know a day of loneliness because so many people love you. You are so important to us, and to so many more people. 
You weigh well under 2 pounds right now and your Dad and I would do anything in this world for either of you, in a second. The real stuff. We love you so. 
This pregnancy has not been easy. Some days I am so frustrated with all of the happenings that I could cry. But I never forget how lucky I am that I was chosen to be your Mom. Even in my weakest moment, I am beaming with pride that I get to keep you. A year ago I would have been so absurdly jealous of me. 
It has never been clearer to me before that good things are worth the fight. I will always fight for you.
Anyway, we love you. That's what I'm getting at. We promise to do our very best and be our very best. All I've ever wanted was to be your mom, and your Dad is the greatest. 
So stay safe, and healthy. I promise, promise, your outside life will be worth the wait. 
Love you, 
Your Very Sleepy Mama